The Borough of Conshohocken will begin fall leaf-vac collection on Wednesday, November 10, 2021. Public Services will collect leaves following the rotation schedule found at the link below. Please be aware that inclement weather conditions or equipment malfunctions may cause delays to the collection schedule. All schedule changes and updates will be posted to the borough’s website under News. After the schedule is complete, Public Services will continue to collect large leaf piles and clean all inlets and culverts as needed, weather permitting.
Fall Leaf-Vac Collection Rules
- NO PARKING signs will be posted on scheduled streets prior to leaf-vac collection. Motorists should obey the posted ‘no parking’ signs and be cautious on all roads during leaf collection season.
- Leaf piles may extend along the length of your entire property. Please rake your piles to the curb but not into the street.
- Do not mix limbs, brush, and other debris in the leaf piles. This may result in damage to equipment and injuries to employees.
- Leaves will not be collected in the trash. Trash with leaves commingled will not be collected.
- Once the leaf-collecting machine passes it will not return.
- Leaf collection is limited on E. Hector and Elm Streets due to narrow roads, high traffic volume, one-way traffic, and the leaf-vac equipment. Public Services will make every effort to leaf-vac these roads, however residents on these blocks should plan to bag their leaves and place them curbside for pick up on Wednesdays with yard waste collection.
- There is yard waste collection every Wednesday throughout the borough.