The trial period for once-a-week trash and recycling pickup in the Borough of Conshohocken will continue until December 31, 2022.
Data and results on the trash alternative collection schedule trial period were presented at the October 19, 2022 Borough Council Public Meeting. To view the entire presentation made to Borough Council, please go to the 4:54 mark at the following link: October 19, 2022 Borough Council Meeting Link
A brief synopsis of the results from August to October as presented includes:
- A decrease in fuel consumption
- An increase in recycling tonnage
- A reduction in the wear and tear on Borough vehicles
- A reduction in physical demands and stress placed on Borough Public Service employees
- Additional time and manpower allocated for Borough property maintenance
- Ability to focus on alternate duties and utilization of skilled Public Service employees in different capacities besides just trash and recycling collection
- Working with the Environmental Advisory Council to provide information and education on non-mandatory alternatives such as composting
- Information on citizen concerns or complaints regarding trash collection and special circumstances
- Data on municipal comparisons regarding trash collection services
- Future considerations regarding trash and recycling collection in the Borough (i.e., use of alleyways, etc.)
- Additional trash cans are available for Borough residents by calling 610-828-1092
Borough Council will formally consider any permanent change to the trash collection schedule at their November Voting Meeting on Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at 7pm at Borough Hall.