Aqua will be performing milling and overlay work this week (8/9 – 8/13) to repave roads within the Borough of Conshohocken. Work hours will be from 7:00 am – 4:00 pm. Work will be completed on the below areas, weather permitting.
Paving on Tuesday
Harry Street from 8th Avenue to 3rd Avenue
4th Avenue from Harry to Hallowell Street
6th Avenue from Harry to Hallowell Street
7th Avenue from Harry to Hallowell Street
Milling on Wednesday
Hallowell Street from 8th Avenue to 4th Avenue
7th Avenue from Hallowell to Wells Street
Paving on Thursday
Milled areas on Hallowell Street and 7th Avenue
“No Parking” signs have been posted in the respective work areas. Residents are advised to move their vehicles prior to 7:00 am the morning their street is schedule for work (please reference the day(s) listed on the posted “No Parking” signs on your street). Vehicles not moved by 7:00 am will be towed.
Residents should contact the Borough of Conshohocken at 610-828-1092 with any questions or concerns.