CodeRED Sign Up Reminder
This is a reminder that the Borough of Conshohocken uses CodeRED emergency alert system to send important information on both emergency and non-emergency related incidents. If you are not signed…
Gas Main Repairs
The 300 Block of East Ninth Avenue will be closed for up to 5 Hours. PECO is on site addressing a gas main issue. Service should not be disrupted as…
CodeRED Alert
A flash flood watch remains in effect for our area until tomorrow, September 2nd. Excessive rainfall and severe thunderstorms are forecasted. Residents should be prepared for potential flooding that is…
CodeRED Storm Update
Current storm predictions anticipate the Schuylkill River to crest at 4:00 am at a level of 18 ft. The Borough of Conshohocken has activated the below temporary shelter locations. Should…
CodeRED Alert Flooding Update & Road Closures
Current storm predictions have increased the flood stage levels. The Schuylkill River is anticipated to crest at 2:00 pm tomorrow afternoon (9/2) at a level of 20.5 ft. This is…
Storm Update - Borough Facility Closures
Borough Hall and the Community Center at the Fellowship House will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, September 2, 2021. All Borough administrative services will still be provided as employees will be…
CodeRED Alert - Flooding Notice
This is a message from the Borough of Conshohocken Emergency Management Department. The Borough of Conshohocken has sustained major flooding mostly in the lower end of town along the Schuylkill…
Storm Update - Resident/Business Damage Assessment Form
The Borough of Conshohocken has experienced a significant storm event that resulted in water rescue events, flooding and property damage to some areas of the Borough. If your property has…
CodeRED Alert - Shelter-In-Place Orders for Riverwalk & Londonbury Residents
This is a message from the Borough of Conshohocken Emergency Management Department. The Schuylkill River currently remains in excess of 5 feet above major flood stage. All residents of Riverwalk…
CodeRED Alert - No Trash Collection Tomorrow
There will be no trash or recycling collection tomorrow Friday, September 3, 2021. Below will be the upcoming trash and recycling schedule. East Side - Trash only will be collected…